Academic Year:
Module code:
Module title:
Subject Area:
Module Leader:
Assessment 1
Identify key differences and similarities between leaders and managers in organisations.
Your essay should address the questions below:
What are the main traits of managers and leaders?
What are the main functions of leaders?
What factors influence leadership and management of people?
Underpin your work with relevant theory to explain your rationale and clearly identify what assumptions you have made in answering this assessment.
Component / Element
50 %
Assessment Brief/ Task
Include evidence that both supports and refutes your argument
Read round the topic and include a range of academic sources
Present a logical set of arguments in a well structured and systematic manner
Your work should be correctly referenced using Harvard referencing and it should be wholly your own work
Refer to the attached performance criteria so that you are clear about what is assessed in relation to this essay.
Important requirements
Mode of Working: Individual
Always keep a file of working papers (e.g. photocopied articles) that support the sources used in your work.
The following detail is important when:
Preparing for your assessment
Checking your work before submission
When interpreting your grade and feedback after marking. (Note that your work will not be returned to you so always keep a copy of your work for this purpose.)
Learning Outcomes Tested
(Insert detail)
Identify the key differences between leadership and management and their respective styles
The application of management and leadership techniques with reflection on how these can influence an organisation
Assessment Criteria (Insert detail)
Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of a range of management styles in order to present a balanced discussion of the issues raised in the question
Develop a sound analysis based on the evidence that supports or refutes the assertions made in the question
Demonstrate wider reading evidenced by references from a range of relevant sources
Performance descriptors (by grade) (Insert detail)
Please see below
4HR001 Assessment Criteria and Performance Descriptors (A to F.)
Assessment criteria
A (70-100%)
Work of an outstanding, excellent and very good standard.
B (60-69%)
Work of a good standard.
C (50-59%)
Work of a competent standard.
D (40-49%)
Work of a satisfactory standard to pass.
E (30-39%)
Work of an unsatisfactory standard * F (0-29%)
No learning outcomes fully met.
F (0-29%)
No learning outcomes fully met.
Of Key concepts and issues
Identification and full understanding of issues in the assessment. Full answers to all questions/task. Excellent examples used to illustrate response. Evidence of independent thinking. Attempts to relate appropriate theory and other relevant issues.
Very good understanding of the issues. Engages directly with the question.
All main points and important issues of the question/task covered.
Generally sound understanding of basic theory and concepts. Content relevant to the question/task. Competently deals with main issues.
Some evidence of understanding of basic concepts/issues. Content in the main relevant but limited or little application of theory.
Superficial treatment of issues. Content not relevant to topic set. Material merely repeats taught input. Lacks understanding of basic theory/concepts. Possible use of extensive quoted passages.
No or very
demonstration of knowledge or understanding of key concepts, theories or practice.
Reflecting on, interpreting and presenting information
Excellent identification and summary of major points, including all aspects of the issue. Demonstrates good use of materials. Clear