Manzanar Events

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Pages: 3

Key Events That Occurred During Farewell to Manzanar

Events that occurred during Farewell to Manzanar had a major impact upon Jeanne's family. These events help the reader. This will also give every reader a clue on what was happening in all of the scenes/parts of the movie or book, and help the reader visualize it a little bit better if the reader hasn't watched the movie. One major event occurred when the man died at the end of the movie. The first person that we saw showing their emotions was Ma. She was obviously devastated when everyone saw her, and it left her in shambles as the audience could see when she was talking to Pa. Pa had no idea what had happened so he wasn't showing any emotion, until she made Me slow down and make out all
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This calamity left everybody in the household sad and most definitely changed things for a while. It took months for everyone to get back to normal, then normal activities could finally carry on. The second and probably most important event was Pa being taken away. This started off by having the police and other people part of the law thinking that Pa was a spy, and so they had to take him away and force him to work a job as well as being punished. This obviously made the family fall apart and the effects show that, as in the family, having to spend countless days without Pa along with holidays missed out on him. This also started to make the family really wild because Pa would always keep everyone in check, almost like the leader of the family. Those are only a few examples of what getting taken away from his family did to them. The last and final event that happened to cause trouble for the family is going to be when Pa tried to kill Ma. This one is really important because of the fact that one of the family members could've been lost in this act. This was a major event for Ma and Pa, especially because it was mainly between them two. This made the two despise each other for a while, and made the kids not like Pa either, especially for Jeanne because she is