Marching Band Speeches

Words: 835
Pages: 4

Janet Andrews
Mrs. McQuiggan
Public Speaking
22 Jan 2018 Who am I?

I. I want you to close your eyes for a second and imagine this, you’re walking through the French Quarter exalting the nearly 150 year old Creole Cottages of Bourbon Street and you glance forward to see a Cajun marching band approaching.
II. Now open your eyes. Maybe some of you Can and know what i say when i say Creole. And some of you can get how placid the view of a marching band can be. But I've been blessed in my life to do some of the things i've done in my short 17 years. I’ve Marched through Disney, Played in New York and have had the time of my life.
III. So Today, I want to share with you some key points of me. Who I am and why
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I’ve been in band since fourth grade and it has always been a great experience and it has opened so many doors for me.
1. I have played in grand cathedrals in New York City, Nashville and Chicago.
2. I’ve marched straight down Main St. in the Magic Kingdom.
3. I became a state champion this year at U of I.
B. My whole family says I have “goitis”, I love to travel. I have too many things planned for my life, and over the past year I’ve done the most traveling I’ve ever done. 1. One of my favorite places and place I would love to go back to is New Orleans, not only because of band but because of the Jazz atmosphere
2. This summer my best friend Kurtis and I are going on the ultimate road trip, we’ll be traveling all over the country including the Grand Canyon and the Winchester Mystery Mansion.
You now know my love for my Family, GCHS, and Traveling, but what's next for me after GCHS? When there’s no more band camp or plays to attend anymore?

III. Honestly I'm such a changing person, but a couple of things about me that hasn't changed is my love for Photography, Medicine, and the US. A. I had family members in the hospital alot growing up, so I essentially grew up around the