Since I opened my eyes to the world, and I have seen my parent's fears on my sisters from the Egyptian streets; males would provoke women everywhere, that’s why my parents decided it’s safer for us to move to America . Every now and then, I would go and set with her under the olive tree in her backyard that didn’t seem to fit in with the neighborhood trees. “Don’t let anyone down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity.” she always …show more content…
The majority of people thought it was such a shame to join her, (at first she ended up having a campaign made only of one person). Maria Hany knew that the women in Oman wanted to join, so she used the social media. She spent all of her limited fund on the advertisements until she was literally living on the shrub, and then an educated woman who had a big contracting company, noticed her, and helped her grow her campaign. Suddenly the country’s majority of women woke up from their nightmares; and realized that they should ask for their rights and dignity. The name of Maria Hany was known wherever she went. She achieved her dream by being an independent psychologist, after earning her degree in 1984, however, she realized how did she make a huge change in her country by just saying “No!”. In 1987, she decided to go to India and do the same thing, but this time she had a lot of back up from companies who wanted to advertise their names. Maraia succeeded in convincing some women that ignoring the problem isn’t the solution and if they want to make a difference they should take a stand. Today’s research proves that Maria Hany’s efforts solved one of India’s major problems : overpopulation. The research states that