Plato tells us that the unexamined life is not worth living. You seem so sure of your opinions. I am a logician, Mariah. I have taught formal logic on the college level. Let me assure you, your self-confidence is misplaced. Perhaps some self-reflection would help you reason more clearly. That's a judgment, incidentally, but it has nothing to do with religion.
About what should you reflect, you may ask? Clearly, your hypocrisy. You claim that people of faith standing in judgment bothers you. If it bothers you so much, then why are you standing in judgment of them. …show more content…
But you attack Christians for believing in a 2000-year-old fairy tale. That's circular reasoning, by the way. You are assuming as a premise what you are trying to prove in your article. Very bad logical form. You give no argument against Christianity. You seem satisfied to call it names, to make superficial historical charges, to despise it and the many who adhere to it. For example, the Greek Orthodox don't have women as priests. How terrible. Moreover, Christians are weak minded.
There you go again, Mariah. You can't seem to help yourself. The Greek Orthodox have traditions. You may not like them, but they do. Where is your diversity? Can't you respect the cultural traditions of others? Do you need some training? That hypocrisy thing keeps popping up.
Accusing Christians of being weak minded is a judgment. Calling their faith a fairy tale is also judgment. That doesn't bother you, but people of faith making judgments does. It's clear that you don't mean what you are saying. You simply want to reserve to yourself the right of judgment. Somehow, you have persuaded yourself that this is logical. Conveniently, you have freed yourself to despise people while accusing them of despising others. That's hypocritical. It also makes no