Marine Corps Failure

Words: 1444
Pages: 6

Executive Summary
America’s military is in jeopardy of losing its next major war! This is due to ineffective leadership that may be hazardous in today’s complex operational environment. Recently, the United States has become increasingly involved with shifting its military capabilities from fighting insurgencies in the Middle East. The major focus is now directed at protecting American interest against technically advanced nations across the globe. From a tactical standpoint, this could have significant implications for the U.S. military.
The level of experience ranging from leadership to technical and tactical proficiency directly affect a unit’s moral and cohesion, which in turn affects a unit’s combat effectiveness on the battlefield. As America’s expeditionary force in readiness, the Marine Corps has the reputation of forward deploying and winning our nation’s battles swiftly and aggressively. This reputation comes with high expectations and the American public demands its Marines remain effective under the most arduous conditions. Nevertheless, apprehension arises on whether the Marine Corps will be adequate in ensuring success in a protracted ground war with multiple superpowers, simultaneously at the
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This is the foundation from which we make Marines, win our Nation’s battles” (Neller,2016). This statement exhibits the value of the individual Marine and the value of experience and leadership within the Marine Corps. The NCO rank is one of prestige and earned not given. Conversely, the amount of authority or responsibility that a NCO has is not taken lightly. They are working managers and entrusted with maintaining discipline, elevating morale, and ensuring mission accomplishment. Nevertheless, the leadership that a NCO provides a unit has a direct correlation to the unit’s cohesion and effectiveness under