Marketing Plan Template Essay

Submitted By kristelk
Words: 807
Pages: 4

Marketing Plan Template

Company/Product Name
(Insert Logo if you have one)
Principles of Marketing
Winter Session 2013
Prof Hatin


1.0 Executive Summary
(Write this last, it is a summary or synopsis of the entire plan)

2.0 Situation Analysis (Summary of section)
(The Marketing Environment –include Political, Legal, Socio-Cultural, Economic, Technological forces)

3.1 Market Needs(Summary)

3.2 The Market(Summary)

3.3.1 Market Trends (Detail from Research)

3.3.2 Market Growth (Detail from Research)

3.3.3 Market Demographics (From Research)

3.3.4 Market Geographics (From Research)

3.3 The Company (Summarize the Company owners, location, hours of operation, # of years of operation, Industry) 3.4.5 Mission Statement (Create your own, create a new one, or use an existing one)

3.4.6 Service Offering (What do you offer for services, warranties, refunds, returns, customer service dedicated staff?)

3.4.7 Positioning Statement

3.4.8 SWOT (Summary-How will the company convert Weaknesses into Strengths and Threats into Opportunities) Strengths (Bullet the list) Weaknesses (Bullet the list) Opportunities (Bullet the List) Threats(Bullet the List)

3.4 Competition 3.5.9 Direct Competition (Primary)
(Detail specific competition and include the Marketing Mix component for each competitor)

3.5.10 Indirect Competition(Secondary and Tertiary)
(Detail specific competition and include the Marketing Mix component for each competitor)

3.0 Marketing Strategy 4.5 Value Proposition/Unique Selling Proposition
What makes your company, service or product different?

4.6 Critical Issues

4.7 Marketing Objectives (S.M.A.R.T)
(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely)

4.8 Target Market Strategy

4.9 Pricing Strategy 4.10.11 Breakeven Analysis
(Paste a graph in this section along with a summary)

4.10.12 Fixed and Variable Cost List

4.10.13 Identification and explanation of actual Pricing Strategy
(Markup, Cost-Plus, Penetration, Skimming, Meet the Competition)

4.0 Marketing Mix 5.10 Product/Service
(Be extremely detailed-products, items, services offered)

5.11 Place
(Location, Distribution Method, Channels-Supply Chain)

5.12 Price
(Include prices for the top products, items or services that you offer)

5.13 Promotion 5.14.14 Advertising
(Print, Website, Radio, Television, Billboard, Mobile, Product Placement-be specific)

5.14.15 Sales Promotion
(Contests, Premiums, Sweepstakes, Coupons-be specific)

5.14.16 Personal Selling
(Will you have a personal sales rep, manager, manufacturer’s rep. etc making calls or on the road?)

5.14.17 Direct Marketing
(Email, text, snail mail)

5.14.18 Social Media
(Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linked In)

5.14.19 Word of Mouth
(Difficult to Control because the information comes directly from your clients, customers, etc.)

5.14.20 Public Relations
(Will you have a PR manager or will it be the Marketing person or subcontracted? Will you issue Press Releases that detail your business, highlight your product/service or