Mars Rover Research Paper

Words: 1397
Pages: 6

Teslanding’s Mars Rover design (refer to Appendix) consists of a PVC Pipe body with four wooden wheels which each have half a tennis ball attached to the outer face of the wheel. The wheels are connected to the body by two metal rods, acting as the axle. The body contains a Sponge Egg Cradle.
The diameter of the wheels is 20mm longer than the diameter of the PVC Pipe body (refer to Appendix) as a precaution in case the rover flips onto the top when landing. The wheels are placed 15mm from the edge of the body so that if the rover lands on the front or back, it will impact the wheels and will roll on to either the top or bottom. This positioning and sizing of the wheels ensures the rover is able to continue rolling after impact rather than absorbing the full shock of the impact.
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This was implemented with the intention of ‘bouncing’ onto all four wheels if the side of the rover is the point of impact with the ground.
The sponge cradle within the PVC Pipe body (refer to Appendix) is included in Teslanding’s design to hold and cushion the egg to absorb most of the impact upon landing. This is essentially to reduce the risk of the egg breaking.
The metal rod axles are positioned 20mm from each end of the PVC Pipe body (refer to Appendix) with one in contact with the water bottle and the other in contact with the egg cradle. This is to secure the egg cradle and water bottle, to ensure neither come out of the body when in motion or upon impact.

Teslanding’s design (refer to Appendix) complies with the dimension constraints outlined in the client brief (refer to Appendix A, Section 2.2.2) as it is able to fit within an A3 sheet of paper (420mm x 297mm) and is less than 210mm tall, with its dimensions being 150mm x 420mm x