“Hello?” His father answered
“Dad! That fat lady i told you about got on right after you left and stop-”
“Martin, I'm tired of you always coming up with these stories for attention, can't you find something more productive to do with your time?” …show more content…
What he saw was a colossal hunk of meat slowly waddling toward him, he retreated into his room, trying to figure out what he was supposed to do. Then he heard his front door open again and his dad’s infuriated voice yell “Martin! Who do you think you are hanging up on me like that? Martin? Where are you?” He rounds the corner, he bumps into the lady. He tumbles to the ground, dumbstruck, at the hugh wall of flesh before him. “What, the” She turned around to face Martin's father, and as she did Martin came out of his room, and tackled her. She hit her head on the table, and was unconscious. Martin's father went to call the police, but found out she had escaped their custody and was out there somewhere. Martin's father began to take him more seriously, and martin had learned that there isn't a reason to be scared of everything. Everyday from then on he would take the elevator without giving it a thought, and go to school without noticing the human bolder trailing him not to far