What message does this decision send to NTA teachers, students, and parents who, collectively, worked so hard to achieve every goal that CPS set for them and will this action affect the fairness in future school closing decisions throughout the nation.
A. School closings have prompted public outcry over the past decade in cities across the …show more content…
CPS formally announced the proposal to expand the boundaries of South Loop and gradually convert NTA to a neighborhood high school.
A. The National Teachers Academy community will continue their efforts to fight for equal quality education for all public-school students.
Whether closing dysfunctional school’s benefits students hinges on the quality and capacity of the existing school supply. The key is to grow more high-quality schools, especially in urban communities, so that students stuck in chronically poor-performing schools can move to better ones. That means focusing as much on school openings as school closures. When a neighborhood loses its schools, it also loses an institution that builds relationships among residents and binds generations, while it serves local children. Losing schools makes it more likely that these neighborhoods will deteriorate further. “These kinds of moves are the reason behind the twitter hashtags #RahmHatesUs and #RahmDoesntCareAboutBlackPeople. Outrageous claims, I bet you're thinking. But the folks tweeting these hashtags know that actions speak louder than words. And Rahm's actions via CPS in this new round of school closures tell of a man who will push his agenda no matter how many people it harms, no matter how obviously racist it looks.” “There is no other way to see this school snatching by Rahm Emanuel, but as a plan to shape his city to look a certain way; he uses the school district over which he inexplicably has total control