Mass Shootings

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Pages: 6

More than half of the United States deadliest shootings have occurred from 2007 onward, leading to a total of 15 deadly gun shootings. In the past 50 years alone, the U.S has been responsible for more shootings than any other part of the world, resulting in a countless amount of injuries and deaths (Klein). The reason why there is such a great difference in the amount of shootings is due to guns being much easier to acquire in America, than other parts of the world. Despite the fact that many gun owners are law-abiding, responsible, and use guns safely, there are many people that abuse the 2nd amendment, which guarantees every citizen the right to bear arms, resulting in “mass shootings like those in Newtown Aurora, Oak Creek, and Tucson” (Obama). …show more content…
As a result of the countless amounts of mass shootings that have recently occurred in the United States, both the President and Professionals are developing a plan to prevent future attacks by modifying the background check system and banning assault weapons.
In his official proposal “Now Is the Time” President Obama is arguing that stricter background checks need to be enforced in order to prevent the mentally ill, criminals, and other potential threats from acquiring a gun. All of America's shootings could have been prevented if those who were a threat to committing acts of violence did not have access to guns, hence the National Instant Criminal Background Check System has been created by The Brady Act to prevent dangerous individuals from acquiring a gun. Even though the National Instant
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As of 2000 a total of 59 thousand people have been shot with firearms resulting in 10 thousand innocent people dead that could have been prevented if assault weapons were not used (Klein). If a ban on assault weapons were to have been in place many tragic shootings could have been prevented For example, a recent shooting by Adam Lanza at Sandy Hook Elementary School left 26 people dead or wounded from one single ammunition magazine. Adam was equipped with a Bushmaster AR-15 which is a type of assault weapon, “a semi-automatic rifle that could rapidly fire multiple high velocity rounds,” therefore he was able to kill an abundant amount of people at a faster rate (Plumer). Adam Lanza would not have been able to kill half of these people if he was limited to a 10 round ammunition magazine, allowing young children to still be living with us today. By reinforcing the old ban, prohibiting assault weapons, along with limiting ammunition magazines to 10 rounds, “ guns and particular magazines, less accessible to offenders would make it more difficult for them to commit the sorts of mass shootings that we’ve seen in recent years”(Plumer). If the murderer is not supplied