Estimating the Expectation
A measurement follows the normal distribution with a standard deviation of 15 and an unknown expectation μ. You can consider that measurement to be the "original" distribution. Two statisticians propose two distinct ways to estimate the unknown quantity μ with the aid of a sample of size 36. They will do that by evaluating two different SAMPLING DISTRIBUTIONS to determine which method is better. There are two statisticians involved in this task: statistician "A" and statistician "B." Statistician A proposes to use the sampling distribution of the sample average as an estimate. Statistician B proposes to use the …show more content…
Assume that the distribution of the number of phone calls per second follows the Poisson distribution. Tasks 10-12 refer to this information.
Submitting the Assignment
For the assignment you should complete 12 tasks. Tasks 1-9 refer to the information associated with the estimating the expectation and Tasks 10-12 refer to the application of the Normal approximation of the sampling distribution of a sum.
This assignment has the format of a quiz and it is computer graded. The tasks are described in the Form titled "Assignment Unit 8". The answer to each task involves the selection of the right choice (in a multiple choice question) or the entering of a numerical value at the designated location.
Notice: Unlike the Quizzes, you will not be given a chance to correct a wrong answer after submitting the assignment. Hence, we recommend that you check your answers carefully before submitting the assignment.
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