Inventory levels should continuously be monitored and consistently to make sure levels stay low.
3. All aspects of the manufacturing process should be planned out and approved by management. The above components are currently present at Meals on Wheels with their Just in time ordering system, and their perpetual and cycle inventory count. However, inaccuracies from human errors, as stated above, are a downfall (Arnold, Chapman, Clive, 2008, p. 318), and a potential risk if raw materials are not present at the time of production. The use of a barcode system will streamline operations throughout the warehouse in the following ways: • Receiving: employees can scan products received and the system will verify that the quantities match the actual quantities of products that were ordered. This will automatically and continually update on hand quantities in the computer system in comparison to the manual system they currently have.
• Put away: when products are counted and ready to be stored, the employees will scan the barcode of both the location and the items. This will verify that the product is being stored in the proper location, and then ‘remembers’ where the products can be located for future