Meatloaf Evolution Lab

Words: 556
Pages: 3

In the world of New York City, there was a scientist that wanted a friend, but he wanted the friend to be his favorite food. so the scientist made a meatloaf for a friend, but it needed to be alive and talking to him. The scientist started making a serum for the creation of life. Finally it was finished and it was time to inject it into the loaf of meatloaf that was genetically modified to be big as a person.

The scientist puts the needle with the serum in the big meat loaf. The scientist waited for 8 hours and the meatloaf started to grow, the scientist thought he did something wrong but no the meatloaf exploded and was all over the walls and equipment, slowly the meat and juice dripped off the wall but would make a collection of meat till
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The meat loaf is out on a rampage eating everything in its path and is eating bikes, traffic cones, business men, people driving by on motorcycles all of that stuff but all of those things and people he is currently eating are making him grow so he is being called meat master by the people running away MEAT MASTER the big meatloaf man says. The meatloaf man moves his rampage over to the nearest group of food trucks, then spits all over the food trucks, keeping them from escaping, but whilst the spit is over the food trucks. The food inside the food trucks starts growing very rapidly as the gooey saliva touches the food. Rise to Power: The meatloaf, now calling itself "Meat Master," begins its conquest of New York City. It uses its growing size and strength to intimidate and subdue the city's residents. It starts small, taking over local restaurants and food trucks, but quickly escalates its