Media Effects On Body Image

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Pages: 4

Media has major effects on women's image.
This could be a bad thing people are always getting hurt by media and what people call self image. You shouldn't care what people think they're always trying to put you down.Throughout life, we seek the answer to the question “Who am i”? and this question is particularly in focus during our development as teenagers. They are just trying to make themselves feel better about themselves. People know days don't know how to handle life or problems going on in there life. I wish we didn't have media because then we wouldn't have the problems we have now days. Body image everyday there is a girl in the world making herself throw up because she doesn't think she skinny enough. Media, social and peer pressures
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People should go to jail for bullying people are committing suicide because of others. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year, according to the CDC. For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it. Media isn't any better girls see others girls with all this makeup and fake eyebrows and they think they have to all that to look good. You shouldn't have to think you have to change to look …show more content…
A lot of girl have eating disorders because of problems like this. Then you see a pretty singer or someone famous and all the boys are talking about her but she wears makeup does her hair all the time and is what they call tiny. On the other hand boys don't really mind about that guys don't really have a problem with body image because they could care less do they wanna look good yeah but they don't react the way women do. The younger kids are starting to stress about body and there so young they should be caring about how they look they're just kids, they need to be kids. When you're 10 you shouldn't care about that stuff about what you wear, let alone what you weighed. But younger kids now are much more sensitive to weight,size and body image than they were a generation ago, say eating disorder specialists whose offices are filling with young girls and