Media Influence On African American Culture

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Pages: 8

According to the dictionary, Media is the means of communication, as radio and television, newspapers, and magazines, which reach or influence people widely. Racism is any policy, belief, attitude, action or inaction, which subordinate’s individuals or groups based on their race. Recent activities and events have surfaced the internet and social media in regards to showing favoritism in degrading the minority cultures in the media. For the past 400 years African Americans have served as the entertainment and entertainers in the room however, they have never seemed to be the ones sitting at the table discussing and delegating what the importance or the element of entertainment.
Modern society bases its principles in historical events, which have played a critical role in molding it. What the people believe in now is now new; rather, it is another form of the something similar in earlier times. The current happening in reality television, political debates and music may seem new, but the topics
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The names have been crossing over from one generation to the next, but they change with each generation because of the influence of the changing world. Reality television is among the most influential themes in the modern world (Greenberg et al, 2002). The concepts, people and themes portrayed in the media have a huge influence on the audience.
As African American students in the media management program at Virginia State University, we decided to move forward on researching the active racism displayed in the media. It was safe to say that our questions needed an answer and we knew from that point what we had to do. If society allots the same opportunity to all of their peers in the entertainment business, then how does racism even start?
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