It is bound by a set timeframe for addressing and resolving the academic issues of the EL students established by the school’s administration and collaboration among the teachers. By analyzing and understanding the issue completing, the administration and staff can clear identify, determine, and agree upon a resolution for improved EL academic achievement. The administration will schedule a set dates, prior to the 2017-2018 school year, for the ESL teacher and math, reading, and language arts teachers from grades sixth through eighth to meet. The scheduled dates will serve as a timeline of specific phases for identifying and deciding on a collaborative resolution for EL students. The phases of the mediation plan will provide an in depth-analysis of the current EL pedagogy used within the school. It will allow for the critical interaction of the different perspectives and current instructional practices of EL students at the school. Together, teachers will determine and agree upon best practices, identify available resources, necessary professional development, and establish a timeline of progress and monitoring for the mediation plan. In addition, the teachers will agree and designate benchmarks to account and assess the mediation plan’s implementation and