Medical Marijuana Research Paper

Words: 1580
Pages: 7

For over five thousand years, marijuana has been used for both medical and recreation use (Haerens 23). Marijuana also known as weed, Ganga, Mary Jane and other various nicknames, ultimately refer to to the dried leaves, flowers, and stems from the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa. This plant contains the psychoactive chemical, known as THC (delta-9-tetrehydiscannabinol) which triggers the blood vessels in the lungs and brain to expand causing more oxygen onto the rest of the system. In addition, THC’s similar chemical structure to the brain’s chemical, anandamide allows the drug to be recognized by the body then gives it access to alter brain communication (United). Under those circumstances, THC creates a “high” for smokers (Gross 9). Furthermore, marijuana is usually smoked through hand-rolled cigarettes, blunts, in pipes, or water pipes (United). Alternatively, marijuana can be ingested through food and drinks such as brewed as a tea (United).
To start, the use of medical marijuana originated in China and migrated throughout India, Roman Empire and Europe. Around 65 A.D marijuana was recommended as medicine, but didn’t reach medical recognition in the United States until about 1850s (Haerens 23). Originally, marijuana was used as an analgesic and anesthetic (Haerens 23), over time it has been discovered that THC
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Marijuana stimulates appetite and food intake to help achieve weight gain. This is critical to cancer patients who lose weight quickly due to uncontrollable sickness. On the other hand, patients affected by the side effects of chemotherapy, smoke medical marijuana to deter emesis. With this, the retching and vomiting episodes, degree and duration of nausea as well as the volume of emesis are reduced due to THC found in marijuana (Haerens 24). Currently, there are no cost effective treatments suiting these issues, so marijuana is found appropriate in these cases (Haerens