Medication Errors

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Pages: 4

Always the goal of treatment by using drugs is to giving the patient the best therapeutic benefit and improve the patient's life as well as to cut the possibility exposing the patient to some of the dangers resulting from the use of some drugs and commit errors that associated to treatment with drugs may occur from all the medical team members from doctors, pharmacists, nurses, technicians and others without exception, regardless of their level of scientific, whether they are the owners of long experience or limited and often medication errors occur without being detected or without being reported and documented or hide or cover them up.
We can be defined the medication errors as (any event caused by medication error or give the wrong way
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Errors in the prescription: This error occur when the wrong drug is for writing (prescription), the prescription maybe unclear terms of error , or the medication or dosage, or with a table or repeat doses. Errors in copying the recipe: This error occurs during the copy command in the pharmaceutical drug administration record Medication Administration Record MAR. The error is find in the back or on the patient's name or by medication or use a table or repeat doses. Errors in the distribution and dispensing medicine: This error occurs from the beginning of the pharmacy where the medication preparation, it was wrong to send the drug to the wrong patient, or sends medication error occurs, or in the wrong dose or sent by use, or in the table of repeat doses happens. Errors in administering medication: This error occur during the process of giving the medicine to the patient, the error is when you give medicine to another patient, or given the wrong medicine, or the wrong dose, or through the use of, or schedule a repeat doses, or may forget to give the medicine already happening.In addition to the obvious problem in the writing of the prescription is a clear line of responsibility for the complete write your doctor …show more content…
The best way to understand how medication errors happen and how to prevent them is to consider their classification, which can contextual, modal, or psychological. Contextual classification deals with the specific time, place, medicines, and people involved. Modal classification examines the ways in which errors occur (e.g. by omission, repetition, or substitution). However, classification based on psychological theory is to preferred, as it explains events than merely describing them. Its disadvantage is that it concentrates on human than systems sources of errors. Psychologists consider an error to a disorder of an intentional act, and they distinguish between errors in planning an act and errors in its execution. If a prior intention to reach a specified goal leads to action, and the action leads to the goal, all is well. If the plan of action has some flawed, that is a ‘mistake’. If a plan is a good one but is badly executed, that is a failure of skill. Though there are specific types of medications for which the harm generally outweighs the benefits, such