I thought, as a science and math teacher, it was a waste of time for me to take an English class. This article reinforces the idea that literacy skills affect every aspect of your life. I agree that reading and literacy skills can take precedence over other topics, in any class, at any grade level. It sounds to me like 2010 to 2015 was the Wild West of literacy. The balanced literacy approach seems to have allowed teachers many different options of varying degrees of effectiveness. This bred much inconsistency, leading to many gaps in the reading skills of students—some of whom are still in high school today. Furthermore, there seems to be an unofficial border at fourth grade where reading becomes the expectation, with much less emphasis on phonics, if any. I’m sure some of those balanced literacy inconsistencies linger today. I also really appreciated the Shaw displayed text in Russian to make a point about how students with lapses in reading see material. 5. My biggest takeaway from this section is probably just that this is one thing teachers, parents, and students can agree