Meniere's Disease Research Paper

Words: 722
Pages: 3

Teaching About Meniere’s Disease
Meniere’s disease is a disease that affects a great number of individual. In fact, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Community (2017), “It is estimated that approximately 615,000 individuals in the United States are currently diagnosed with Menirere’s disease, and that 45,500 cases are newly diagnosed each year.” The purpose of this paper is to educate about Meniere’s disease, and the targeting learners are patients, families, and staff.
Meniere’s disease, which affects people at the age of forties and up, is a disease that causes tinnitus, hearing lost and vertigo. The disease has no definite causes; however, viral infection, disturbance in blood flows, and noise are some possible
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• Families will recognize signs and symptoms of attack and give appropriate support
• Staff will identify appropriate safety measures and administer right medications.
Learning Objectives for Cognitive capabilities:
• Patients will recall appropriate care measure during attack. They will develop healthier ways to deal with stress by exercising and using relaxation techniques such as guided imagery and breath focus.
• Families will learn about the disease process to give support and reassurance.
• Staff will learn what is Meniere’s disease, how it affects patients, the signs and symptoms, treatments and how to help them cope with the disease.
Learning Objective Addressing Affective Capabilities
• Patients will recognize personal ability to deal with the disease and will develop realistic aspirations.
• Families will show commitment in some measure to support love ones with Meniere’s disease.
• Staff will respect patient’s beliefs and values during care.
Learning Objectives Addressing Psychomotor Capabilities
• Patient will perform relaxing techniques.
• Family will displays understanding of Meniere’s