The ICD is the international classification of diseases. The ICD is translated into 43 different languages. Most countries use it to classify diseases, and is the primary indicator of health status. The ICD is a credible source for understanding a mental ilness, it is public to internatinal countries. The DSM is a credible source as well but is limited to be used by the Psychologists in America. The DSM has been edited 5 times already, with the most recent edition being updated in 2013. The DSM is uodated with new information because of new discoveries and disorders being taken away. The W.H.O and the CDC both make reservations based on expert advice. The CDC relies on the branch of governement within the United States while the WHO relies on information from around the world. They both have compeling rules when it comes to women preganacy. The Zika virus is suggested by the CDC to determinate the baby if womne has history of living or being a region where the Zika virus is present and the WHO suggests that both male and female to avoid …show more content…
In one source Unite for Sight is stated that countries that have record of having mental illnessness are stigmatized and seen as a source of shame. Treatment seeking patterns vary across different cultures. People who live in a less Differences in cultures impact different aspects of mental illnesses that includes perceptions of health, treatement, impact of history, and family traditions. Most of literture suggest mental proessionals and institutions need to focus on specific approches to mental ilnesses. While cultural differences raise an issue on mental illnesses they also provide important imformation about the unique and effective ways towards positive mental