Mental Trickery And Pseudo-Scientific Claims Analysis

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Pages: 6

Mental Trickery & Pseudo-scientific Claims We are exposed to numerous accounts of fallacies on a daily basis. Before this assignment,it never phased me that I was actually being lied to. We are exposed to fallacies on a daily basis, and that shows how accustom we can be to the advertisements and become so gullible. Claim #1 Revlon Photo ready foundation: This Revlon commercial can be found on any channel on your television anytime of day. The commercial claims that if you use this foundation you will achieve that “pore-less, air-brushed look” that everyone wants in a foundation. To top it off Halle Berry stars in the commercial, and of course there isn't a flaw on her skin, and as she's says in the commercial “Your skin never looked so flawless” at that moment you believe that if you purchase this foundation you can have a perfect airbrushed look like she does. Using dirty trick #3 appeal to authority and Dirty trick # 12 call to perfection. Claim #2 Red Bull Energy drink: Everyone knows Red Bull’s infamous logo “Red Bull Gives you wings” they promote it everywhere. I happened to stumble across their website while doing some research and it has Dirty trick #44 big lies all over it. When you first log …show more content…
I googled the name,and their website popes up. The first thing you see is “Imagine achieving the body you’ve been dreaming of.” There is Dirty trick # 5 Appeal to fear, you start to ask yourself “Do I not have a good enough body?” Then I saw it said 10,000 satisfied patients, and thats where Dirty Trick # 43 comes in, Throw in some statistics. I looked up reviews for this company and they are all negative saying how it doesn't work. What I found funny was that on the website it says Free Consultation, but someone wrote that it was not free and it had cost her $199.00 out of pocket just for the consultation.This would also apply to Dirty trick #40 tell big