Meptoo Movement Research Paper

Words: 710
Pages: 3

The #MeToo movement has empowered women to stand up. The actions of silence breakers have propelled women and men to talk about their pasts, the secrets they have been keeping, and the trauma they have been feeling. With the rise of the #MeToo movement, survivors have been breaking the silence of sexual harassments in industries. Shedding light on sexual assault in Hollywood the allegation range from for all different types of individuals.
The movement has branched out to millions of people using the hashtag on social media to break their silence as well. In the media, the #MeToo movement has uncovered allegation against Hollywood stars, showrunners, and government officials. Facts and secrets that have been kept in the shadows are now coming
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Some of my peers once feared to break their silence, afraid to just be another email that is sent to over a thousand students. After seeing the results of women telling their stories on the news, having the reassurance to break their silence on the trauma that has happened to them. The more discussion that the movement has started people to stop thinking that an incident was their own fault or blaming it on what they were wearing or drinking to actually calling a “bad night” for what it is, a breach in your consent, and something that should not be tolerated. Finally talking about the misconduct has been a healing experience for the survivors to share. This sharing is happening on social media and on the news and has trickled down from Hollywood to everywhere else.
The #MeToo movement has also started an evaluation of the misogyny in our society. It is no hidden fact that women are fifty percent of the population on Earth. Unfortunately, it is also a common fact that women do not hold as many positions economically in leadership or government roles. For centuries, women have been underrepresented in their voices not being heard. As a woman of color, in college to receive the education needed for a career, it is not conforming to know that I do not have an equal chance to succeed in comparison to my white I have seen that the world is not created fairly for