While in document five it states of floating gardens made of artificial floating agricultural islands. Although the people may use similar methods of harvesting and planting. The people formed dikes to work as bridges to link the city and shore. They also used intervals for water to transfer from one lake to another. In a earlier time boys in Texcoco were learning how to battle, hunt and shoot. They also had learned crafts in the nature of woodworking, gold smithery, metals works and how to sow the seeds. The boys also learned astronomy, how the sun, moon and stars move. This would later be used by a great astronomer, Torquemada to generate a celestial Calendar. Although the men had more activities to do, the woman did mainly house work such as preparing food and cleaning. They also did a kind of embroideries. Even with the the impact on living and daily activities, they also had Scribes to document annals, genealogies, and boundary markers. While other scribes kept law books dealing with the rites and ceremonies. Then philosophers and learn in which there were among them were charged with paining of Sciences. Then in the mid-16th century a great astronomer had been studying the celestial bodies which then he would observe in his observatory and create the celestial