PART A: …show more content…
This effort helps students gain the confidence to “Mix it with other Kids”. Cherbourg State School supports their students’ positive learning by introducing a variety of literacy strategies which are fun, engaging and educationally effective.
The documentary includes a scene in which a teacher reads a storybook to her class, engages her students and captures their attention. She adds drama to the story by showing the book’s supporting illustrations and real-life items that complement the text’s events; in this case an avocado. This educator adopted this active reading strategy to keep students engaged in an effort to further enhance their literacy development.
This pedagogical ethos is reinforced by Harrison (2010), who states that teachers should read stories and use pictures to encourage learners to learn new words which will support language and literacy development in Indigenous students. This insight highlights the fact that educators should choose engaging activities and picture books that use expressive language to improve literacy