There is two types of metatarsal Fractures there is acute fracture that is due to sudden (acute) injury to the foot typically dropping a heavy object onto the foot, a fall, or a sporting injury. Acute metatarsals breaks may or may not displaced and they might open or closed. Open metatarsal fracture are normally caused by severe trauma such as road accident. Open Fractures is one where the skin is broken over the fracture so that there is a route of possible infection from the outside into the broken bones. Closed Fractures are ones under the skin. Acute metatarsals fracture happen when you drop an heavy object on your foot, a fall or a sporting injury. The symptoms of an acute fracture is pain that progresses gradually; pain in the midfoot/ front of foot, pain that worsens when walking or standing; when there is swelling or redness over a bony area. If it's painful when touched which may indicate a broken bones, immobility. If the metatarsal bones are still aligned when the broken ends meet you will wear a cast or splint for six to eight