The American Academy of Neurology explains that, “with officials at state and federal levels adopting policies regarding the use of medical marijuana, it is important for the AAN to have an official position on the issue that can assist policymakers” (Patel, et al). They use levels and adopting for their metaphor and it provides them with another way to explain their views. The American Lung Association uses metaphor when they explain that, “smoking marijuana has also been linked to cases of air pockets in between both lungs and between the lungs and the chest wall, as well as large air bubbles in the lungs among young to middle-aged adults, mostly heavy smokers of marijuana” (“Marijuana and Lung Health”). The association uses linked to enhance their language with metaphors. The White House uses metaphors as they explain that, “this resource center will be regularly updated and expanded to address emerging issues, research, and prevention tools, and highlight successful local efforts to reduce marijuana use” (“Marijuana”). The metaphors can be found with highlighting and expanding. These metaphors allow the White House to express their statements with figurative language. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration when they acknowledge that, “patients or their caregivers are turning to marijuana in an attempt to treat conditions such as seizures and chemotherapy-induced nausea” (“FDA and Marijuana”). Patients and caregivers do not literally turn, but it enhances the language of the statement. Gary Mangum uses metaphor when he claims that, “it would have been difficult to watch a new growing industry literally pop up more in urban areas, as farm families need continued diversification to remain fiscally healthy” (26). Mangum uses the term pop to liven up his language. Medical Marijuana, Inc. uses metaphor when they claim that, “[they’ve] been leaders in turning a stigmatized plant into one of today’s most