Metoo Research Paper

Words: 1196
Pages: 5

?Two simple words have given victims of sexual assaults and harassment the courage to speak out against their alleged abusers: #metoo?
By Teegan Biluta

You?ve worked so hard for this, awful high school drama productions, shampoo ads and the inevitable stint on Home and Away. Now you?re set for the big time. You can?t believe your luck; a big wig Hollywood producer wants to cast you in his next indie film, bound to be a smash hit and make you the hottest star in Hollywood. You knock on the door. It opens and there he is???in his bath robe??..
It is scenarios like this, played out hundreds of times in the offices of powerful men, which have given rise to the #metoo movement. Women every day face the question: do you do what you know
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These women are powerless and often blamed for ?enticing? men and are often thought to have ?asked for it?. Why is it that women are continually blamed for the wrong doing of men? Is it due to society placing the power in the man?s hand and embracing such phrases as ?boys will be boys?, allowing these perpetrators to get away with such abuse and harassment? When men have all this power, women often fear the repercussions if they speak out, causing them to bottle up this trauma and allowing it to attack them from the …show more content…
However, the hashtag that represents this campaign; #metoo went viral in 2017 when actress Alyssa Milano tweeted a picture quoting #metoo. It was suggested by a friend: ?if all the women who have been sexually harassed or assaulted wrote ?metoo? as a status, we might give people a sense of the magnitude of the problem?. Alyssa Milano used the hashtag in support of her friend Rose McGowan?s accusation against Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment. When Milano encouraged the hashtag she helped to reveal the extent of how bad a problem sexual harassment and assault is, by illustrating how many people have experience similar