They do know that he was a follower of Giotto, though, which gives the impression that at least the man, studied beneath a great artist. Well the second Madonna and child, depicts Madonna holding baby Jesus, both gazing within each other’s eyes with love. Madonna is wearing a Blue, raggedy robe, with a pink undershirt. This robe gives a more realistic look, at what a real person would wear, and not something divine and beautifully put together. The colors in this painting are very dull, and faded. The painting also shows only from torso up of Madonna. Baby Jesus is being held close to his mother, as he’s up against her chest, gently touching his mom’s chin. Baby Jesus’s hair is kind of light brown in a afro type hairstyle, I guess to represent a halo. This particular painting also demonstrates about three colors total, pink, blue and apricot. The wood that the piece is on is shaped as a pentagon, without the top being pointy. Its grooved with an indentation of blue along the outer lines, with golden circles placed within. The painting is nicely done