Mexican Mafia Research Paper

Words: 1653
Pages: 7

When a member of the youth community commits a crime and is sentenced to serve time at a juvenile prison, it is generally thought of as a method of punishment that will benefit the juveniles. It is thought of as beneficial for the juvenile because the prison will be populated with other juveniles of the same age. Juvenile inmates can learn how to be law-abiding citizens and gain valuable educational degrees such as high school diplomas or GEDs. In 1957, a young male with the name of Luis Flores who had the nickname of “Huero Buff” entered Deuel Vocational Institute. This institute was in California and housed juveniles who caused trouble throughout the local communities. While serving his time at the Deuel Vocational Institute, Luis Flores …show more content…
These illicit/illegal activities were all committed post release by members of the gang. The acts of the murder the Mexican Mafia members committed were not only their main crime, but it went from drive-by style to street execution style. The acts of violence increased over time as loyalty to one’s race became more prominent and as enemies from opposing gangs began to form. Next, the narcotics trafficking among the Mexican Mafia was prominent because the member’s had connections in Mexico because it was a Mexican American gang and was able to traffic heroin and cocaine over the border. In terms of extortion, the members of the Mexican Mafia took control of local community organizations such as those related to narcotics and alcohol. The Mexican Mafia specifically, would steal money from taxpayers who paid into the organization and vehicles from the community organizations and use them for their own benefit such as for more drugs or murder (Valdemar, 2007). Now, the illicit/illegal activities include using contraband in prison cells along with the previously listed crimes as