Mi Papa Research Paper

Words: 485
Pages: 2

“Vamos, hay que cruzar el atlantico y vivir el sueo Americano!” Let's go; we have to cross the ocean and live the American dream. Mi Papa has always wanted the best for me. He led the way from Cuba to the United States when he was 18 years old. I will always admire the way he takes initiative, even when everyone else is petrified. Cuba, where my family is from, was a poor country when my dad decided to leave. Security would always look for people leaving in rowboats at night, hoping to row all the way to the United States to start a new life. If they were caught, they would either get beaten or sent to jail. All things considered, my dad led over 30 strangers to America. When he got here, he and my grandparents lived in government homes that …show more content…
As I grew up, my dad always taught me that if I saw someone getting turned a blind eye, I should help them. I often watched how he lent money to family members, even when we didn’t have much. I will always appreciate that he flew out my older brother from Cuba, even when he wasn’t the dad. He single-handedly brought over 80 percent of our family to America. He helped people get a job, get their taxes done, and obtain their citizenship. Now, being in high school, I am just like him. If my friends never found a solution, I would create one. If the cheerleaders were too afraid to speak up, I would. If my friends struggle with money, I try my hardest to help improve their financial situation. Because I aspired to lead like my dad, I became the president of every club I joined. I was nominated for every position because my classmates knew I would do anything for them, just like my dad did for me. I helped lead a food pantry for families who couldn’t afford to eat while I was in high school. I donated my clothes to friends who had to go to school with holes in their clothes. My dad inspired me to be the person others could follow, knowing I had their