Miami Cocaine Rehab Case Study

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Pages: 3

It takes a lot of fortitude for individuals who are stuck in the cycle of drug addiction to come forward and ask for help. It takes even more fortitude for them to get through rehab when they find themselves too close to home. In a city like Miami, Florida, where serious drug problems exist (see stats from National Institute on Drug Abuse), far too many victims of addiction are left to ponder where they can get help in such an unsettled environment.

Considering a Miami Cocaine Rehab?
If you are suffering from an addiction to cocaine while living on the streets of Miami, you have to be concerned about the possibility of running into "old acquaintances" in most any local rehab you might consider. If you believe you have the strength and determination to successfully get through a local rehab under these
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If someone is going to invest the time and money to temporarily relocate to another place to get treatment, they need to make sure the quality and reputation of the rehab facility is beyond reproach.

At Lakeview Health, outsiders are treated with a great deal of respect and reverence. The facility's counselors and clinicians are well aware of the sacrifice being made and want to make sure these patients get every reasonable opportunity to learn about addiction and gain access to the coping skills that will help they stay clean when they head back to the temptations that most likely still exist in their home environment. In order to make sure non-resident patients leave with a decent support group in place, a 4-day family treatment plan is offered to family members who want to be part of the