Micro Nutrient Research Paper

Words: 883
Pages: 4

In this paper, you will learn about my invention, the Micro-Nutrient, a pill that stimulates the effects of eating. The key difference between the Micro-Nutrient pill and eating food normally is that the pill eliminates the added artificial colors and chemicals preservatives that companies use to save money and maximize efficiency. (Brain, 2000) The way that the Micro-Nutrient pill works is that it binds to your cells in your bloodstream in a way that food does not. It will instantly affect your body, making you feel full. The pill is specifically designed to only provide your body with the nutrients that it needs at that moment throughout the day to eliminate the feeling of an empty stomach or any cravings. The Micro-Nutrient relates with …show more content…
First, I will have to conduct research to learn about how the digestive system breaks down and converts the food you consume as an energy source. “Digestive juices include hydrochloric acid, which kills microorganisms and activates an enzyme called pepsin that helps break down proteins, and intrinsic factor.” The next three organs play a huge role in the breaking down process. The pancreas, located behind the stomach produces digestive enzymes and released them into the duodenum. These enzymes include lipase, which breaks down fats, pancreatic amylase, which breaks down carbohydrates, proteases, which break down proteins. Next is the gallbladder, it is a sac-like organ located near the liver and stores bile, a substance that helps emulsify fats so the lipases have an easier time digesting them. And lastly is the liver which is located on the right side of the abdomen. It makes the bile that helps emulsify fats, and it processes the nutrients that are absorbed in the small intestine. After the nutrients are digested, they’re absorbed into the cells of the small intestine. From there, they’re absorbed into the blood and carried away to be processed and metabolized or stored.” (Tefera, and Jegtvig) Next, I will have to find a way to compact all the nutrients into a pill, which will consist of proteins, carbohydrates, sugars, etc. After that a way to make the pill only release the amount needed to support your body …show more content…
Then to mass produce it, that would cost another twenty million dollars to make about 200,000 units. For this invention to be created, about three years of researching will be needed. At the end of the three years, the pill will be created. The next step will be the testing of the pill which will take about two years to make sure no problems arise. During this two years of testing the samples will be tested on many individuals. Ranging from different ethnicities to different genders, allergies, medical differences, etc. Also within those two years, all the problems that have a possibility of arising will be tested and resolved, so that the pill will be very