In the article “beyond the banality of evil: conscience, imagination and responsibility” Kerwin (2012) introduces one psychologist called Adrendt and core theory of her subject by telling a real story about a man for whom she used to do coverage. In that story, a man called Eichmann, who was a nice person and performed perfectly towards his family and friends in life, killed numerous Jewish during second world war. Kerwin analyzes two reasons of the tragedy combing with Adrendt’s report and theory. First one is external pressure due to brutal policy of government at that time which trained him to be an emotionless murder. Second one is internal. Even though every person is innately able to know what behavior belongs to moral scope, Eichmann just gave up the capability of thinking and judging which let him see his behavior as normal and there is no doubt that it is more horrified than real evil.
Eichmann took the job in one totalitarian and bureaucratic system with clear hierarchy at special times. Similarly, nowadays different organization also has strict hierarchy and generally there are mainly two roles in one organization. One is leadership and another one is subordinate. Everyone in that group has different responsibility and function. How to be a competent member in one organization? This is a question uncovered in that article by Kerwin, one psychologist being sensitive in business and management and she seems like to pay more attention to doing research on organization in history , digging up authentic
humanity of an ordinary person and relationship between different people . It is still constantly debatable since the rise of global economy with organization having become team based structure to finish corresponding task, because an individual, as the smallest functional part, is always related to whether the whole team work can smoothly proceed (Giacomantonio, Pierro &Kruglanski, 2011).
There is no doubt leadership has a big influence on individual and working result. For example, in one company, top executives always take charge of long-term project which affects hundreds of employees and million dollars of profit. According to Tracy (1993), in a living theory system, leadership equals to decision maker for a complicated system. Therefore, leadership firstly has high requirement for itself. Decision maker should be careful about every goal they set for system, and transmit the command to other component. At the same time, they should get positive attitude towards job, setting energetic model for employees (Tracy, 1993).
Secondly, leadership plays an important role on affecting behavior of employees. There are many leadership theories and they all encourage leaders to perform exemplary behaviors and employees endure to duplicate that behavior because the leader is a model which is worth being followed (Doucet, Poitras & Cheˆnevert, 2009). It is necessary that crews get used to exactly understanding perception of their leader because that perception creates the disciplines that subordinates need to comply with ( Blichfeldt, Hird & Kvistgaard, 2014). Therefore, after long term, powerful leadership can be linked to various results such as crews’ motivation, pro-social behaviors or counter-social behaviors (Voyer& McIntosh, 2013).
Many scientists do research and find that in many companies, subordinates always have similar behaviors, thought even personality with their leadership, which is benefit for group work ( Blichfeldt, Hird & Kvistgaard, 2014).
Due to leadership owning huge influence on ordinary crews, what standards can we adopt to evaluate good leadership?
It is important to guarantee that every group member to be moral through the whole process of finishing working task. It is likely that ethical leadership has positive relationship with group member making