Midterm Review Sad Face Essay

Submitted By okbutts
Words: 1157
Pages: 5

1. Characteristics of Colonial Society
NE: Community based of Church. Merchants.
Middle: Diverse. Quakers. Welcome anyone. Dutch, Catholics.
South: Unskilled men, wanted $$. Cash crops: tpbacco, sugar
2. Enlightenment influences
Locke—natural rights.. life, liberty, pursuit of happiness. Republicanism. Paine—common sense
3. Causes of American Revolution
Proclamation of 1763
End of solitary neglect—Brit troops causing tensions--- Boston Massacre taxes: Tea Act (Boston Tea Party), Stamp Act,
Intolerable Acts, Decretory Act ( banned public meetings ets.)
Virtual vs Actual rep
4. Weakness of the Article of Confed extremely weak Centralized Gov. congress little power—not raise army, no federal tax
States coining own money—discouraged trade, dishonest exchange rates
States made own treaties w foreign nations
5. Key Provisions and compromises US constitution
Great Compromise: NJ Plan- 2 reps per state. Virginia Plan- Reps by pop.
3/5 slave population counted for reps (North was like uh Noo??? They’re your slaves?? And South was like I want more REPS!!!)
Gag rule 1808 slave trade
6. Hamilton’s Financial Plan
Federal Gov. assume states’ debt
Some people were mad bc Virginia already payed it off
They were like ok u approve this we move capital to Potomac
7. The Alien and Sedition Acts
- Seriously put limits on Press and Foreigners after XYZ affair.. not in line w Bill of Rights
- Adams motive: To weaken Demo- Republican party
- Virginia (Madison) written to nullify alien and sedition
- Kentucky (Jefferson) same as Virginia but more radical (cowabunga)
8. Native American Conflicts w the US
- See sheet
9. Jefferson’s political beliefs
-Agrarian Republic… not market… away from Europe
- downsized federal gov
- Believed Louisiana territory would be extension of Agrarian repub.. Manifest Dest
10. John Marshall and the Marshall Court - Federalist.. Strengthen Fed Government -Marbury v. Madison (1803) gave the Court the power of judicial review. -McCullough v. Maryland (1819) upheld the right of Congress to charter a national bank, thus putting into national law the doctrine of implied powers.
-Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) gave the national government undisputed control over interstate commerce by ruling invalid a steamboat monopoly chartered by New York state. This freed internal transportation from state restraint. Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia – Federal government deals with sovereign state: Cherokee Nation
11. Characteristics of The Era of Good Feelings
- the period from 1817 to 1823 in which the disappearance of the federalists enabled the Demo-Republicans to govern in a spirit of seemingly nonpartisan harmony.
12. Significance of the Monroe Doctrine
- this doctrine stated that Europeans could not intervene in the Western Hemisphere in exchange, the U.S. would not interfere with existing European colonies and wars. If Europe intervened, the U.S. would interpret this as dangerous to U.S. national security and take appropriate action.
- The Europeans were like k? IDRGAF but it did keep us out of Europe for a bit
13. 19th century American economy -beginning was very agricultural but MARKET REVOLUTION (: - well not (: for everyone
- but bc of industrial revolution and transportation advancements there was a democratization of the market—mass production of common goods.
- ppl came to cities to work in factories--- not always great working conditions and low low wages
14. Jacksonian Democrats -Settle the West -Common man—expansion of white suffrage - States rights.. weaker federal gov (yet used the most vetoes lol)
15. Formation of the Whig Party - where a lot of Federalists go—anti-jackson -Henry Clay, Webster - American System
16. Characteristics of the second great awakening -Evangelical—change the world -Women - Paved way for New Reforms
17. Abolition movement -Immediate freeing of slaves w compensation. - William Lloyd Garrison- A militant abolitionist, he came editor of the