Migraine Awareness Month Research Paper

Words: 643
Pages: 3

Short posts
1. Quote of the Day
“The simple act of caring is heroic.”— Edward Albert
2. National Migraine Awareness Month
Being stressful-free is one way of celebrating National Migraine Awareness Month. #nationalmigraineawarenessmonth
3. The Best Dementia Caregivers
It takes a highly trained caregivers to address the needs of patients who have Dementia. Choose the best Dementia Caregivers.
4. Essence of Companionship Care Service
Companionship Care Service provides the opportunity to love and be loved. #Companionship
Long posts
1. Quote of the Day
"The day the roles reverse is foreign. It’s a clumsy dance of love and responsibility, not wanting to cross any lines of respect. It’s honoring this person who gave their life to you—not to mention
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Migraine is a pesky illness suffered by many. When it strikes, it surely affects your mood. There many uninformed individuals regarding basic ways on how to avoid migraine. Therefore, it is crucial to raise awareness in order to inform and educate them.
3. How to Avoid Migraine Triggers?
Here are the tips to avoid migraine triggers:
- Inconsistent sleeping hours may trigger migraine. Have enough sleep by sleeping early.
- Skipping of meals may also lead to migraine. Eat on time and do not skip meals
- Caffeine in food or drinks can cause migraine. Be cautious of what you eat or drink by cheking the levels.
5. Importantance of Personal Hygiene
Personal hygiene is important because it is one of the factors to consider in maintaining a healthy life, specially for seniors. Some seniors are unable to do their personal hygiene because of certain situations, such as illness or age. However, if you entrust their personal hygiene to highly trained caregivers, they will be able to maintain their wellness in a convenient way. #personalhygiene
6. Honoring the Veterans
Veterans took good care and ensured the safety of our country. Therefore, in return, veterans deserve the best care as a form of honor Home care, especially Veterance Care can provide the following
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This is especially true as individuals enter their later years of life. Those who take classes, challenge themselves to new activities, such as learning a new skill or language, and engage in group activities have a lower risk of cognitive impairment. Learning in social environments is particularly beneficial, which is why many seniors experiencing memory loss move to an Alzheimer's care home where they're surrounded by friends and are at a lower risk of isolation.
(source: www.sunriseseniorliving.com)
8. Dementia vs. Alzheimer’s
Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease aren’t the same. Dementia is an overall term used to describe symptoms that impact memory, performance of daily activities, and communication abilities. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia. Alzheimer’s disease gets worse with time and affects memory, language, and thought. While younger people can develop dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, your risk increases as you age. Still, neither is considered a normal part of aging. Although symptoms of the two conditions may overlap, distinguishing them is important for management and treatment.
(source: www.healthline.com)