Minimum Wage Research Paper

Words: 2455
Pages: 10

Employment in Illinois: Working Maximum Hours for Minimum Wage Jose Castro lives in Orlando and works in housekeeping. He struggles with trying to take care of his family, and taking care of his body. He works long hours to try to provide food and medicine for his family. Jose is hoping he will be able to pay for his son to go to college, or at least some of it. With minimum wage in Florida being $8.05, Jose knows the only way he will be able to provide for his family is if he works two or three jobs. For Jose, raising the minimum wage means that he will be able to protect himself from the gruesome physical toll his body will have to endure by working a second shift of housekeeping work, and there is still the possibility of having to work …show more content…
Marshall Auerback quoted economist James Galbraith who stated, ““With more family income, some people would choose to retire, go back to school, or have children, making it easier for others who need jobs to find them” (Auerback). If Illinois raise the minimum wage, more families would be able to live easier and less stressful lives. Some people would be able to retire earlier, giving them more time to spend with their family, and go out and enjoy life. If minimum wage was raised, people would be able to go on vacations, and do the things they have been unable to do their whole lives because of their jobs, people would be able to save up enough money and go back to school to follow their dreams, people would be able to do everything they’ve ever wanted to, but never had the chance because their finances forbid them from doing so . At $8.25, it is very challenging to maintain a safe and healthy environment for a baby. As a result, many couples decide not to have children and start a family because they want what’s best for their child, and they don’t believe they would be able to afford the price of having a newborn. This is a sad reality for many houses throughout