Minority Education Inequality The Usa Summary

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Pages: 8

Miraya Resendez Mrs. Riesenberg RHE3 06J 9 April 2024 Minority Education Inequality The US is a diverse nation, but this also means that a major part of the population is made up of different minority groups. Education is a right everyone has in the US and is proven to be one of the most if not the most vital variables to determine a person's success and quality of life. So it would be a problem if there were inequalities in the education of these minority groups that make up a large part of the US population. “Education is equal for all race groups” is what some Americans would respond with if they were asked whether or not minority groups face inequality in education. The authors of the following annotations do not agree with this statement. Sarah Diem and Anjale Welton discuss …show more content…
Bettina Love also describes how there is racism in the education system, but it’s covered up by using different words to describe it so people don’t notice there’s racism in the educational system. Love states that the use of these different wordings for the inequality in education also resulted in the prolonging of racist practices in education. What Love says ties into what Alexandra Fillindra states in her article about why there is still racism and segregation in education. Fillindra states the cause of racism and segregation in education is due to white resistance. Almost all of the writers of the annotations are professors or/and leaders in education. This is interesting since it shows that those closest to the issue of inequality in education acknowledge that there is an issue. But they also have spoken up about the issue and some have even come up with solutions to solve these inequalities minorities face. My final essay will look deeper into these different ways and places minorities face inequality in