The Affirmative action is a secondary source for minorities. The whole meaning of the Affirmative action is so minorities could benefit from it by being able to pursue the American dream which is to be able to attend college after high school. But instead the Affirmative Action is causing an emotional appeal on students who soon realize this action only benefits students who are better prepared (higher class students). Both critics and advocates acknowledge how Minorities’ have a harder time getting admitted to college based on their academic preparation. 19 percent of black students who enroll full-time at Chicago state university graduate within six years. At California state university, Los Angeles, it’s 22 percent. The University of the District of Columbia matches Wayne State for futility, with an 8 percent graduation rate for black student. The major of the spots are taking by Asians who are the new white and whites. In other words, wealthy people. Adding on, Minority student are the main target for profit of colleges in getting sketchy degrees and inflated student loans since there not a lot of help out there from them. Meanwhile, the state government gives far more money per student to university then they do to community college where most minority get their education done. Minority would have a chance in getting in to college if there was only more resource and