If you read the story in the bible, the only people present are the relatives of Lazarus, Mary and Martha and Jesus. The enigma in this picture is that I can’t tell who is who. The enigma is due the fact that the story does not match the story in John 11. According to the chapter from John, Lazarus had been in the tomb for three days. Jesus went with the relatives of Lazarus, Mary and Martha. Jesus commanded that they move the stone away and Martha responds that it will make an odor. This shows just how long he had been dead for. However, as Jesus called Lazarus’ name, he arose and came forth from the tomb. That is why it is called The Raising of Lazarus. However, even then it is difficult to be sure that this is the Lazarus of John: 11. It is difficult to pinpoint exactly where the tomb is that he came out of. The story is not easy to follow and it creates a sense of