Missouri Compromise Research Paper

Words: 713
Pages: 3

The Missouri Compromise left a long lasting impact on the United States. It had to go through major sectional transformations along the way. The name of the Missouri compromise is fitting because many compromises were necessary to achieve a more balanced union within the United States. The Missouri Compromise is essentially a federal legislation determining that Missouri is admitted as a slave state, while on the other hand Maine was declared to be admitted as a non-slave state. The main issues that led to the Missouri Compromise were the following: the argument of slave states, federalist leaders of the anti-Missouri group as well as President Henry Clay. The federalist leaders of the anti-Missouri group's main goal was to convince northern …show more content…
The declaration of the Missouri Compromise was without a doubt both very wise and troubling for society and the economy because of the trials of conflict it commenced. The first issue that led to growing tensions was the surrounding of the preservation of the union. The Missouri Compromise was an effort to avoid tensions from a slave-state/ free-state imbalance “Congress adopted this legislation and admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a non-slave state at the same time, so that the balance between slave and free states in the nation would remain equal.” This shows that during the Missouri compromise, a semi-temporary balance was achieved between free and slave states, which helped preserve the brittle unity of the nation. By establishing the 36-30 parallel line, it prevented slavery in Louisiana ground north of the southern border. The compromise stopped conflict from slavery expanding into different territories, which also helped prevent many new issues from