A well-designed marketing campaign can help pinpoint areas requiring attention. Monitoring: After identifying vulnerabilities, it's crucial to monitor the situation closely to anticipate any potential increases in risk. The sales team should regularly engage with major clients and monitor competitive activities for early indicators of changes. Additionally, monitor supplier performance to ensure consistent supply, meeting quality standards, and stay updated on industry publications for insights into new products or special offers. Response: Contingency plans should outline the steps to take in response to threats or issues. Determine the minimum pricing strategy to maintain sales volume if competitors lower prices. Identify potential clients or prospects to boost trade and offset losses from key customer defections. This includes strategies for managing product defects and the possibility of recall campaigns. In the event of key personnel departure, identify replacements and implement training programs for seamless transition. 4. What is the difference between a and a? List the key principles of advertising. • Assess the relevance of the audience to your