Thus, less attention is given to the needs of Asian Americans in the form of professionals with adequate cultural sensitivity and language capacities” (Eng and TenElshof). This goes back to society's belief that Asian Americans do not have complications because of their superb academic performances. Although Asians may seem perfect on paper, it does not mean that they do not suffer from mental health issues as well. The mental health issues of Asian American students needs to be recognized, but it is not because of the model minority stereotype. The model minority myth comes with high academic expectations that can cause an unbearable amount of pressure on Asian students. In “The Model Minority is Losing Patience” the author acknowledges the unrealistic standards for Asian students. It is elucidated where the stereotype derives from and the pressure put on Asian students because of it. This harmful stereotype made “The notion that [an] A- is an "Asian F"” which creates increased pressure on Asian students (“The Model Minority”). Because of the model minority stereotype, Asians believe that an A- is failing, when in reality, it is an exceptional