Modern Day Debanhi Short Story

Words: 873
Pages: 4

Imagine you work in a motel and walk in one day and smell something unpleasant. You decide to follow that smell and it leads you to the motel cistern. As you look in, you see the body of a girl in one, her purse in another, and her phone and keys in a third cistern. That’s where 18-year-old Debanhi Escobar was found dead 13 days later after she was reported missing. On April 9, 2022, Debanhi Escobar was reported missing. A couple weeks later on April 22, 2022, she was found dead in the Nueva Castillo Motel cisterns. Cameras and other video footage show Debanhi running from place to place after leaving the taxi that was taking her home. All of her autopsies have different results, from injuries to sexual assault. No one officially knows what …show more content…
Chaparro also wrote, “A man and what appears to be one of Escobar’s friends talk briefly with Cuellar, before he drives away with her in the car.” If Debanhi’s “friends” weren’t part of her death, then why would they hire a taxi driver for Debanhi and talk to him before he drives off? Other evidence pointing to a femicide is the autopsies. The most popular theory about Debanhi’s death was that she was sexually assaulted and beaten to death before falling, or being put in, the motel’s cisterns. Mexican News Daily explained the results of the autopsies performed on Debanhi and how each had a different result. There were three total autopsies and the second one came back saying she was sexually assaulted before her death. An autopsy is a surgical procedure done by professionals, which is why many people believe this is the true cause of their death and this is the “correct” autopsy. According to a report done by Statista, 1.43 for every 100,000 women died from a femicide in Mexico in 2022. During the year Debanhi died, the femicide rate was very high. This makes the theory that she was assaulted a lot more