Module 1
Give examples of how you would plan activities
Planning and preparation of teaching is very important, the teacher and teaching assistant need to work together to achieve the best learning result. Lesson plans and structures will be implemented and will be catered for each learner; this will include teaching methods, assessments and targets and techniques. Teachers have policies, procedures and regulations to comply with and within organizations will have to take into consideration resources and budgets.
As a teaching assistant I am not plan activities on my own but to support the teacher in the planning of learning activates according to the relevant curriculum. This would include preparing, implementing and monitoring current and relevant curriculum topics. Planning learning activates should be based on the learner’s individual need; such as learner abilities, restrictions, interests and the curriculum requirements. There are ways to help you with this such as:
1. Identifying - through documents and or initial assessments.
2. Planning - adapt learning to suit each pupil and the best way to comply with the curriculum.
3. Enabling - supporting the pupil to reach their targets in the planned activities, using the resources and staff roles.
4. Assessing - how assessments are carried out and recorded.
5. Evaluating - Methods of assessments.
Also as a teaching assistant, when planning activities there are many other factors that need to be taken into account, including the daily learning structure for students, the daily timetable and resources available. All of these will be discussed in detail with the teacher and strategies put in place. After each activity feedback will be given to the teacher to assess the progress of each student and the success of the activities.
Describe your role in delivering learning activities.
My role in delivering learning activities will depend on my own experience and/or qualifications. As a teaching assistant I may have a general role working with different classes in a year group/Key Stage or specific responsibilities for a pupil, subject area or age group.
When working with a specific pupil or pupils I should have the relevant information regarding their special educational needs and any special provision including statements of special educational needs, Individual Education plans and/or Behavior Support Plans. I may be involved in implementing a structured program designed by a specialist such as a speech and language therapist.
When delivering learning activities I should ensure that I make a detailed record of what has been planned and delivered in order to:
· Clarify the aims and learning objectives of activity plans
· Avoid contradictory strategies/unnecessary duplication of work
· Use the time available more effectively
· Evaluate the success of the plans/activities
· Provide continuity and progression for future planning
In summery my role in delivering learning activities are:
· Preparing the learning environment to meet the individual learning needs of each pupil in the class
· Providing appropriate learning activities for individuals and groups of pupils
· Selecting and using appropriate learning materials supervising an individual or small group of pupils
· Maintaining pupil safety during the learning activity
· Using praise and encouragement to help pupils participate fully in learning activities
· Observing pupil responses during the learning activity
Make a list of the things expected from you as part of your role in supporting an individual pupil or a group of pupils.
As a teaching assistant I am required to support the pupils by:
· Understanding the pupils learning support needs
· Listening to the pupil
· Enabling the pupil to access the curriculum
· Respecting and valuing the pupil
· Gaining the pupils trust and confidence
· Responding appropriately to the pupils physical needs
· Encouraging