Development of Cambridge
1. Who helped Alan Howard organise an obesity symposium in 1968?
A: Duncan Maclean
B: Ian Duncan Smith
C: John Logie Baird
D: Dr Ian McLean-Baird
2. Why is a 'zero- calorie diet' not a practical solution for weight loss?
A: There is no such diet
B: Tthe containers would be too small
C: Wweight loss would be too rapid
D: Iit would be too dangerous
3. Apart from excellent weight loss, what were the ideal properties of the formula food developed by Alan Howard?
A: Rright level of fats
B: Rright level of protein and carbohydrate
C: RDA complete
D: Rright level of vitamins, minerals and trace elements
4. What was the reason for aiming for a low level of carbohydrate in the formula?
A: Tto cut down on fat
B: Tto protect lean tissue
C: Tto promote mild ketosis
D: Tto suppress feelings of hunger
5. At which hospital were the first trials held?
A: Cambridge University
B: Addenbrooke's, Cambridge
C: West London
D: West Middlesex
Product guide - Product do’s and don’ts
Exercise 1 - Allergies and conditions
What products would you advise for a customercClient with gluten intolerance?
All Accept Butterscotch, porridges, mix-a-mousse, mushroom soup– Free text
Exercise 2 - Allergies and conditions
What products would you advise for a customercClient who is vegetarian?
All Except Strawberry Silk, Beef in pepper, Chicken in Tarragon, Med Chicken and mix a mousse
6. For Vitamins A, B6, C, D, E, what percentage of the recommended daily allowance is included in three servings of Cambridge products?
A: 83%
B: 100%
C: 92%
D: 120%
7. Which Cambridge Eat Easy meal would be suitable for a customercClient who was lactose Intolerant?
A: Beef in Pepper SauceMediterranean Chicken
B: Chicken Curry
C: Vegetable Chilli
D: Chicken in Tarragon Sauce
8. How much water should be used to mix a CWP sachet?
A: Aat least 4 pints
B: 1 pint
C: 2 pints
D: aAbout half a pint
9. Which of the following are useful sales aids to assist you with your customercClients?
A: Cambridge Weight Plan (CWP) Steps Programme booklet
B: Insider magazine
C: Information for Ddoctors booklet
D: Cambridge Inspiration magazine
10. Please indicate ALL the statements you believe to be true
A: mMeal bars can always be used as a direct replacement for a sachet meal
B: Bblood cholesterol can be reduced by 75% when Sole Source is used C: Aall customerClients should be given copies of the CWP Steps Programme booklet
D: Chicken & and Mushroom flavoured soup should be avoided by people who are allergic to eggs.
Cambridge programmesProgrammes
Exercise 1 – Suitable programmes
Below is a summary of some potential customerClients and we’d like you to indicate, in each case, which Step programme would be most suitable. Give a FULL explanation.
(Unless otherwise stated, assume their BMI is above 27 and medication is OK and that the Medical