Monomyth In The Odyssey

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Pages: 3

Throughout history, heroes have been visible in all cultures. Different cultures view different traits as heroic, so a person might be considered a hero in one culture, not in another. These heroes are both male and female, and even though they are different, they both have equally challenging roles. In The Odyssey by Homer, Penelope is a great example of a female hero. Monomyth is a popular storytelling method used in many myths and stories. Its divided into three events and has stages in between. This method is used to demonstrate certain traits in heroes and to give younger audiences role models. These traits are different for males and females. Male heroes are expected to show traits like physical strength and bravery, while female heroes …show more content…
This is also admired by Greek men. Fidelity is important to keep family together and marriages. Although Odysseus was gone for a decade, Penelope still stays faithful to him and shows fidelity. Even with many suitors coming to their house to try and marry Penelope, she rejects them and waits for Odysseus to come home. When the suitors are convincing Penelope to choose a husband, she knows that Odysseus is alive so she tricks them by telling them “let me finish my weaving before I marry, or else my thread will have been spun in vain” but secretly “every night by torchlight (she) unwove it.” She does this so that the suitors keep waiting for her to finish weaving, when really, she is just waiting for Odysseus to come home. She also shows fidelity when Odysseus comes home and finally reveals his identity, and Penelope jumps into his arms. “Now from his breast into his eyes the ache of longing mounted, and he wept at last, his dear wife, clear and faithful in his arms.” Penelope is patient all those years and waits for Odysseus to come home. Penelope stays faithful and strong and ignores all the suitors. Although she is showing different heroic traits all those years, she is just as heroic as