Staggering profits from the sale of patented genetically modified crops have allowed large food processing companies to become too powerful to be effectively controlled or regulated by the United States government (Food Inc.). Almost every branch of government fears standing up to large companies such as Monsanto (Food Inc.). The weakness of the United States government and the White House becomes evident when their inability to break up these corporation’s monopoly on food is analyzed. Advocates recently rallied for change in legislation; however, “efforts to reform crop subsidies during the last farm bill debate were halfhearted and got nowhere” (Pollan 340). The White House reportedly overruled a USDA proposal to put new restrictions on genetically modified organisms in an effort to protect farms that produce organic foods from contamination (Pollan 340). Many believe that President Obama does not believe that there is not nearly enough political support to attempt to reform the food system (Pollan 340). The power and influence that the companies who control genetically modified organisms have, due to large profits and treacherous legal dealings, has made the government virtually powerless against them when it comes to regulatory