Monsanto Research Paper

Words: 459
Pages: 2

Nowadays there are many discussions about the GMO company Monsanto and its genetically modified food as well as its use on pesticide. A result, the company is disliked by many people and I am going to support this statement.

First of all Monsanto designed a pesticide called ’’Round up ready’’, which is able to turn a field into a desert ( but also because of the monoculture) . This chemical herbicide is spread everywhere and contaminated every plant in the close proximity. On reason for that is glyphosate, a chemical inside this weedkiller.
But it not only harms plants. On the one hand it kills health-promoting bacteria and on the other it support disease-promoting bacteria in the human body. A result humans will get sick and their birth
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So if a farmer plants this crop and spray Round Up Ready, everything on the field will die, except this GMO crop. Along with this goes the terminator technology. They use it to sterilizes the pants . Furthermore this terminator gene already makes a gene transfer. According to that it crosses itself with a natural plant and suppress the original crop. Also this gene needs a special remedy to germinate. So if someday the terminator gene is allocated everywhere and a world war breaks out , we are not able to feed the population.
Another aspect is that Monsanto intimidate cultivators with threats and charges .
They patented about 11.000 terminator crops, and if they find some of these plants on the field of a farmer they will accuse him. So the peasants are forced to buy these terminator plants from Monsanto because firstly t the crops will spread anyways and secondly they have to do what Monsanto wants or they will risk their existence. They are just focused on their interest, act anti human and selfish.
Also the GMO company bought up the seeding-industry and uses the climate change conferences for its own financial